Thomas Rongy


Thomas Rongy à l'arrière d'une Tesla Model Y
icone defilement

Years of experience


Number of projects


What I do

Discover my main activities


Network administration

(Management of an IT asset with Active Directory, NAS, group policies (GPO), DNS, data deployment and software)



Main software: Adobe Première pro, Audition, Photoshop, Office Suite, vMix, Spark AR – Video and photo editing



Website (knowledge and management of HTML, domain names, WordPress, hosting, FTP, etc.)


Google management

Google products (Trends, My business, Knowledge Graph, Shop, SEO…)


Live System

Setting up an environment for live broadcasting with OBS Studio or vMix software. Creation of Multi scenes (via the implementation of an NDI and MIDI system for the controllers)


Other passions

Apple, Tesla (creation of personalized light shows) & de nombreuses autres marques de tech/

Thomas Rongy devant le Tesla Cybertruck à Saint-Priest lors du Cyber Odyssey
Thomas Rongy behind The Tesla Cybertruck in Lyon Saint-Priest lors du Cyber Odyssey

COMPUTER AND programming

Since entering college, I have been passionate about network management, more particularly domain management under Windows Server & Active Directory.
I manage a Vlan and a real server (virtual machine hosted on a Synology NAS) and simulate the management of shared folders, group policies, deployment of software and printers for example.
An unparalleled organization allows me to produce clean production worthy of a real network of companies. Having several physical workstations, I therefore practice checking that everything is still in order while continuing to make modifications ..

J’ai également pu créer de nombreux projets vidéo (personnels pour le moment), avec des logiciels tels que Premiere Pro, j’ai peu à peu ajouter des effets complexes qui ont permis un rendu de qualité.

Recently, on the freelance platform Fiverr, I was able to make numerous sales on the creation of personalized light shows for TeslasA fun feature you can make your own.

Creation de jeux de lumieres personnalisés pour TESLA

Since September 2023, I had the idea of ​​offering Tesla owners, on the Fiverr freelance platform, personalized light shows for their vehicles, synchronized with the music of their choice.

Thanks to the xLights software, I learned to program these glasses by integrating the new lights of the Cybertruck, the animations of the windows, the trunk, the loading hatch, and the front and falcon doors of the Model X.

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Connaissances De logiciels & d’infrastructures de travail

Windows Server

Instagram / Facebook (API & gestion)

logo Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro

Google (Seo & Knowledge Graph)


Spark Ar Studio

logo Windows Server


logo de la suite Offoce


logo Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition

Logo Synology

NAS Synology

Website creation

In 2022, I was able to create the website of my brother, Robin, professional musician, teacher at the Dordogne departmental conservatory. Ce site sert de portfolio afin de mettre en avant ses interprétations et expériences

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Thomas Rongy devant le Tesla Cybertruck à Saint-Priest lors du Cyber Odyssey 2024